McLean County Board of Health MeetingThe McLean County Board of Health Meeting will be at noon June 10 at the McLean County Health Center in Calhoun.
McLean County Fish & Game will be hosting their annual “Family Fun Day” starting at 11 a.m. June 11. The event is to include games, raffles, food, tournaments, half-pot, vendors, music and more. The event will take place at their facility at 4164 Kentucky Highway 815 in Calhoun.
For more information, call 270-485-6109.
Finding Skeletons in Your ClosetThe McLean County History Museum’s quarterly program will at 6 p.m. Monday, June 13 at 540 Main St., Calhoun. Sue Berry will speak on “Finding Skeletons in Your Closet.” Everyone is invited to attend. Valet parking will be available.
Call 270-499-5033 for more information.
McLean County Family Resource Center — FRYSC will be hosting a “Harry Potter” camp from 9 a.m. to noon June 14-15 at Calhoun Elementary School. The camp is open to any third, fourth or fifth grade students in the county but is limited to 15 students. Drop off and pick up will take place at the bus entrance of the school (awning closet to Ideal Market on Main Street).
For information on registration, visit or call 270-273-0065.
”Anchored: Deepening Faith in God” Vacation Bible SchoolThe Beulah General Baptist Church will be hosting their Vacation Bible School program under the theme “Anchored: Deepening Faith in God” from 9:30 a.m. to noon June 25 at 652 Kentucky Highway 593 in Calhoun.
For more information, contact Heather Stratton, director, at 270-499-0188.
McLean County Farmers’ MarketThe McLean County Farmers’ Market will be from 3-7 p.m. Thursdays and 8-11 a.m. Saturdays at Calhoun Baptist Church, 315 Main St. in Calhoun.
The event will run until the fall.
For more information, call 270-273-3690 or visit
McLean County Public Schools will be offering free summer lunches to all children 18 years of age and under from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Monday through Friday. Lunches will be provided at Calhoun Elementary School, 755 Main St., Livermore Elementary School, 110 Eighth St. and Marie Gatton Phillips — Sacramento Elementary School, 640 Main St.
Per federal guidelines, all meals must be eaten on site.
Adult meals can also be purchased for $3.
For more information, contact MCPS at 270-273-5257.
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